To: Monsignor Fontana July 16, 2021
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Reverend Monsignor:
In June, I wrote to Monsignor Davide Milani a letter, which already seemed unfair to me, because I was suggesting that if he wanted to he could now follow in the footsteps of Fra Cristoforo--Monsignor Milani himself had mentioned his own hope of being able to do just that. In Lecco, however, to act in such a way, and without clear authority to do so, would certainly have put him in conflict with very important people in town; I wrote to him only because I thought it was my duty to write to him first, before writing to higher authorities.
I now turn to you, Monsignor Fontana, in the certainty that you may be able to present a very serious situation in the archdiocese, to His Excellency, Monsignor Mario Delpini.
The issue is a cruel abuse committed against a devout ninety-year-old Catholic, Professor Carlo Gilardi. They say that no act of kindness remains unpunished. Indeed, his wealth and generosity--he had donated land of great value to the town--created against him feelings of greed and hostility among some notables in Airuno, in the province of Lecco. A shady intrigue arose from it, infecting an institution very close to the Church. Even if there was no malevolent initiative on the part of any priest or prelate, the contagion is present.
After years of small and large thefts and other illegalities by certain doctors in law, Prof. Carlo Gilardi hired a lawyer and presented charges of embezzlement against an attorney in Lecco [who had managed Gilardi's millions improperly and patently illegally]. Allowing such accusations to proceed would have brought disaster to some important people in Lecco, and thus a criminal association was born, which united the personal hatred of some notables in Airuno to the fear of consequences for certain notables in Lecco.
The intent was to freeze the proceedings by entombing Professor Gilardi in a retirement home. There was one difficulty: among our laws there was none that defined the conditions under which the crime of being old could be punished. And then, how to arrest an old man who had helped so many in Airuno? So they found an old age home that had a psychiatric section, and that legally was a psychiatric hospital.
To make him disappear there, it was sufficient to bring a mayor and a doctor into the plot, ready to lie to the police, saying that there was this poor old fool in need of help, who refused the visit of a psychiatrist. In fact, the professor, accused by his nonagenarian sister of wanting to live according to Franciscan rules, had already presented himself to psychiatrists, who had seen and described a good person who wanted to continue living in simplicity, working on his farm.
The plan of the lawyers was quite diabolical: first step, to drive the Professor out of his homes, both his town house and his farm, on the pretense they were not safe or suitable. They knew that he would go to Brivio, to the house of Brahim El Mazoury, the young Moroccan whom the good professor had welcomed into his house as a child.
Once this was done, all they needed was the perjury of a doctor and a false declaration signed by the mayor, and they could call the carabinieri, without risking that a neighbor would document the event. It was thus that, in October 2020, with the complicity of the direction of the institutes Riuniti Airoldi and Muzzi ("IRAM") the lawyers were able to seize Gilardi and lock him up, "for observation," in the psychiatric section of the IRAM, which we will call IRAM-SPDC. The event was recorded by El Mazoury, without the knowledge of the lawyers; Prof. Gilardi spoke rationally, while insanity or deceit was evident in the lawyer's words. It was with this recording that El Mazoury was able to attract the interest of a television program. Thanks to that program, a whistleblower appeared, who revealed the place of imprisonment.
With the complicity of the management of the Istituti Riuniti Airoldi e Muzzi ("IRAM"), they locked up Gilardi in the psychiatric section of IRAM, which we will call IRAM-SPDC. [ The IRAM is an old age home, an RSA, but so large that it had its own accredited psychiatric section, an SPDC, which should have operated under very strict state controls and guarantees, such as the specific right to make phone calls to anyone if held for observation]
Over four days, IRAM-SPDC, illegally, denied Prof. Gilardi access to mail and telephone, to prevent him from contacting friends and lawyer. Then, declared sane, he was discharged. At the door, the nurses grabbed him, and he disappeared into the maw of the IRAM-RSA, where he was denied mail and telephone. Thus, IRAM did a great favor to a judge in difficulties, extracted 3000 euros a month from the professor's bank account, prevented him from having recourse to the law, denied him access to the media, and deprived him of his freedom.
Prisoners have rights: slaves have no rights. The idea of using a large retirement home as a prison is an innovative idea. But the wards are isolated from each other, doors and windows are blocked, and from the IRAM you do not walk out. Prof. Gilardi has been enslaved, and produces profits for his private prison and for a couple of doctors in law.
Indeed, he was not registered as a guest of the IRAM-- he had become a Prisoner without a Name. It is possible that you, Monsignor, or His Excellency, the Archbishop, may have read the book entitled Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number, by Jacobo Timerman. He was a respected journalist and publisher, but one night, in the native country of His Holiness Pope Francis, Timerman disappeared. Have we come to this in Italy? It seems so.
Although the Church may not have authority to intervene at the IRAM, there is responsibility, and the honor and good name of the Holy Church is involved. The directors of the IRAM demanded falsification and mendacity from the employees, as well as from the Sisters of Charity. Is it rightful that the Church tolerate that a layman may give to the Sisters of an honoured religious order, the order not to see what is happening, not to hear anything, or to refrain from noticing an atrocity taking place in the building? A building where the Sisters of Charity have provided spiritual assistance since 1899?
Orders of silence. Befehl ist Befehl? Orders are orders? It is not the first time that the forces of evil have managed to set foot in a Catholic institution; now the opportunity arises to counter them. The day will come, and not in the distant future, that certain authorities in Lecco and Airuno will be indicted.
The Church must be freed from a bond of tolerance and silence towards the criminal association that condemned Professor Gilardi to life imprisonment, and punished his continued resistance, depriving him of visits, mail, and telephone. The intervention of His Excellency Monsignor Delpini can put an end to an atrocious and prolonged abuse, committed under the light of the sun, and not by unknowns. That it may not be said that the church was present, saw, and looked away!
Prof. Carlo Gilardi was a mobile and very active ninety-year-old, working on his farm, until the day he became a prisoner without a name at IRAM. His cousins came to visit him, and the poor employees obeyed the order to deny that he was there. [ We know that because the television show Le Iene, showed the video of the event.]
Since November, the IRAM management has denied the professor visits from his cousins and from old friends. His lawful Masters lie to the media,, and pretend that he is satisfied and does not want to see anyone. But at the hearing held at IRAM in December, as well as before the National Warrantor of Persons Deprived of their Liberty, Prof. Gilardi insisted on his right to freedom; he also requested to be transferred to prison, where he knows that his life would be less intolerable. The evidence is overwhelming: the lawyers lie, and a citizen has been deprived of his liberty for profit, for the benefit of the Institute, of the lawyers, and of still unnamed principals. As the financial advisor to the Gilardi family Bonfanti said on a video, "It was under professional oath that I said, 'I will never reveal it to anyone.'.. I was ordered not to mention where he is hospitalized." Exhibit 40) to my complaint to the Prosecutory Office.
Now Prof. Gilardi is being targeted with a mocking scam: they have claimed, since December, that they are preparing for him an appropriate worthy abode, free from the dread of the mythical Islamic danger that the local media have falsely presented; but the only abode they prepare for him is the tomb. He's slowly dying of boredom and heartbreak. His doubts as to what what some rogue attorney may have done with his beloved animals on his farm must make it difficult for him to sleep. He is dying for lack of sun, of fresh air, of work, of friends.
As discussed in the fourth minute of the video below, confidential information has come to a former city councilor of Lecco, of further outrages committed against Gilardi, such as the hostile isolation and the refusal of pen to write.
The lawyers and the leaders of IRAM know that the prisoner finds comfort in the poems he writes. Is it possible that the intent of such bullying may be to weaken and lead the professor to suicide? It is obvious that denying him the right to spend his days in the gardens of the Institute is psychological torture; taking away the sun and fresh air reduces the capabilities of his immune system. It is undeniable that his death would give relief to certain notables in Brianza.
"And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians." If His Excellency Monsignor Delpini wanted to replace the word Airoldi with the word Egyptians, he could conclude that here he is facing a sin that cries revenge to heaven.
Please accept, Monsignor, the expression of my high esteem, which I ask you to extend to Monsignor Delpini.
Matteo Bojanovich
Via Navali 1